Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wild at 80

Today was Michael's Grandma's 80Th Birthday party, with a live mariachi band and fantastic Mexican food. It was nice to enjoy some time with the hubby after we dropped the kids off at auntie's. You have not lived until you dance to a live mariachi band. Plus I got to kiss my hubby without a little one pulling at my leg. ;)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chasing Elevators

We spent the day at The Whitlock condo on Table Rock. It was a beautiful day to take a walk on the lake shore with all the cousins. The boys got into the elevator and decided to push all the buttons. We ran from floor to floor trying to catch them, quite funny looking back now because it is an outside elevator and we could have clearly see then if we had just stepped back.

Friday, March 20, 2009


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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Brady potty trained?

Today Brady pooped on the potty, finally! We were beginning to think he was never going to and would not be able to attend preschool in the fall, but he is proving us wrong. He is such a stinker, so stubborn! He has to do everything his way, which is opposite of our way and nothing like his brother. God love the woman who he is going to marry, we will start praying for her today!


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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Preschool Program

Well tonight was the big preschool program. We have been practicing all week. Aidan looked good, was ready, was excited...and then he decided he wouldn't even get up to sing. Oh well, there is always next year, and to be fair it was scary crowded!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My first and last...

Today was the first and last time I try to cut Aidan's hair. I was doing good, set the clippers down to comb his hair and Brady popped off the guard in the 5 seconds I had set it down. I didn't know he popped it off and well, took a chunk of Aidan's hair out. I looked at Brady, he just started saying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I took that thing off. Laughing now staring at his little bald spot, but he doesn't know and he got a lollipop. :)