Our adventure began much as many adventures begin, with a lot of planning. Once we were diagnosed with PCOS, cysts on the ovaries which prevent ovulation, we were more determined than ever to get pregnant. I would have never imagined the amount of work it would take on my part, but it was well worth it looking back. I lost 10 pounds, began a medication that made me so sick I lost 10 more pounds and charted my temp every morning.
Knowing that we could only control so much, my wonderful husband suggested we turn it over to God and pray. It is a big step in our life to start praying together out loud. We prayed at home, we prayed at church, we prayed hourly.
I bought a pregnancy test at the end of the first month, knowing that I was just taking it so I could take my next medication, the one that would start my period. I set down the little stick and went about my business getting ready for work. I picked it up and looked at it ready to toss it, then realized it was positive! I didn't call Michael right away, I was afraid it was the medication tricking the test. So after I got to work and called the doctors office and was assured it was not the medication, I called my hubby. He was delighted.
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