Wednesday, June 2, 2010
It starts...
We were outside last night enjoying the warm summer air, trying to catch fireflies and crickets, when it happened. I guess the summer air got to Brady last night. Aidan, Joleah, and Brady were trying to pinpoint the location of a cricket that was singing in the yard, when B tells Joleah, I'm gonna give you a hug. Michael & I looked at each other and giggled. I told Brady he needed to ask for a hug instead of just telling her, so he asked Joleah, Can I give you a hug? She replied, A BIG hug. So they laughed and giggled and flirted and then chased each other around the car and into the street...finally before going inside they had a hug beside the car. It was adorable. The Joleah asked him for a kiss and I told her she better save that for her Frog Prince. I must already teach Brady about kissing girls and the whole Peanut allergy warnings, but I must say it was adorable. I guess the warm night air, under the stars with the crickets singing and fireflies flying above works on little ones too. ;)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I turned 30 yesterday, a day I made Michael promise to keep as normal as possible. The boys were rough and rowdy and mean, daddy was his normal self, even mowed the lawn, and I got to be grumpy in my bedroom while watching hgtv. I woke up this morning thinking about all the things I haven't accomplished, when I should be focusing on all the things I have accomplished, like keeping my little Brady safe from peanuts for almost 4 years now. It is amazing how this peanut allergy consumes ones life. Michael & I have actually been bickering because i want things done a certain way, to keep Brady safe, like having him wash his hands at not touching surfaces that might be contaminated. (I know, its a no brainer, but Michael just doesn't get it!)I also check, and recheck products, because processing can change in a day, and I am very aware of peanuts EVERYWHERE! I get eyes rolled at me from Michael daily, but I don't care, I have to do what I have to do.
Now, in the background I hear the boys dancing and singing with the cd from VBS. So cute. They can play a mean air guitar. :) I think that this year I may volunteer to be with the boys so that they can go to VBS and enjoy it, and not cry at drop off and of course I will know that they are SAFE. Well, at 30 I have the mommy thing down...most days.
Now, in the background I hear the boys dancing and singing with the cd from VBS. So cute. They can play a mean air guitar. :) I think that this year I may volunteer to be with the boys so that they can go to VBS and enjoy it, and not cry at drop off and of course I will know that they are SAFE. Well, at 30 I have the mommy thing down...most days.
Monday, May 17, 2010

I was on my way home last night and passed a muscle car on t-hwy. Just the gas exhaust smell brought back memories of Michael's first car, The OLDS. We spent so many wonderful nights cruising up and down Branson. That car was where we spent a lot of time kissing,landing at one of the popular makeout spots. I remember the purr of that car as we cruised down by Sammy Lane Resort. There was that awesome gazebo surrounded by trees right on the lakefront. There is something so sexy about kissin under the stars and weeping willow trees in the steamy summer nights, who needs air conditioning when you have a cool lake breeze?
Another wonderful makeout spot, the tower where we had to climb over a gate and up that dark path, but worth every second sitting at the top of the mountain overlooking the glitzy lights of the town. I have so many wonderful memories of those summers spent with my Michael. I wish I could spend my last night as a 20 year old in the passenger seat of that car one more time, in the steamy Branson summer air, kissing my handsome hubby.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Weight loss challenge
I gave up soda a couple of weeks ago, still waiting to see my waist decrease. I have been power walking and doing some indoor exercises. I am thinking about taking a belly dancing class this summer at the Branson otc campus. I also really want Michael to join me in a ballroom dance class. How sexy to be pressed up against my hubby all night staring into his eyes? (CHILD FREE) It may be time to just accept the body I have and embrace the plush curves. P.S. Text and Pic messaging has done wonders for Michael and I in the bedroom, I would encourage everyone to snap and send a little pic. ;)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mamma Kamia
Praise God! Michael was able to decipher my not so subtle hints this Mother's day and bought me the movie Mamma Mia. I sit here listening to the sweet lyrics to Slipping Through My Fingers by Abba. It is amazing how fast my little boys are growing up, I sit back and reminisce about the deliriously sleepy days I can barely remember. Little chubby fingers and tiny bitty toes. First smiles, warm fuzzy little heads, and soft baby bottoms. Now my little boys are turning 4 & 5 in less than a month. They scream and yell and cry, but I love the curious little Aidan who is doing experiments and the crazy little dancing Brady. "Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers..."
It expresses exactly how I feel at the moment, the lyrics below! Enjoy!
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see whats in her mind
Each time I think Im close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cookies or Soda
I have replaced my daily 2 Dr. peppers with cookies. I don't see these lbs coming off any time soon, but which do you think is worse? The cookies or the soda. I seem to think there must be more nutrition from the cookies.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Ugh, trying to lose about 8 lbs that have crept back to my tummy. It is the worst place to get it, this dang PCOS! The very first place these pounds want to stick is the middle thanks to the PCOS. I did good today, ran 2 miles, biked 4 miles and danced my butt off like a crazy person to my workout playlist. Then of course, I craved cookies. So I had a snow cone with very little syrup instead, this may be a good trick for my body. I hope it works, and I feel lighter today. By the way, I gave up soda. YIKES! We will se how long that lasts!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Tea for two
Today I was fortunate enough to attend two tea parties. Tea & Testimony was wonderful. I loved hearing Kathy Morgan's adoption story. I hope one day we will be able to afford to adopt a baby of our own. When I first had trouble getting pregnant, we looked into adoption but as a newly married couple we couldn't even begin to comprehend the cost. It is so unfortunate that so many little ones are without homes, and so many couples wanting to adopt cannot afford to.
Tara had her baby shower, that same day and it was beautiful. I got to hold little Anya, who has spina bifida. I have prayed many many times for this dear sweet little one, and she is perfect. I was afraid for her family, for her future but everytime I see that sweet little face I am just blown away. She is doing great. She is very alert and smiles a bunch. She always has the most beautiful smile on her face. I thought she would have more problems, maybe just stare off into space and be more like the other special children that I know. Anya is a miracle, a beautiful miracle. She laid her little head on my chest and cuddled up to me and almost made me cry. SHOCKING, right? :) I love that little girl.
I did enjoy the girlfest weekend. :)
Tara had her baby shower, that same day and it was beautiful. I got to hold little Anya, who has spina bifida. I have prayed many many times for this dear sweet little one, and she is perfect. I was afraid for her family, for her future but everytime I see that sweet little face I am just blown away. She is doing great. She is very alert and smiles a bunch. She always has the most beautiful smile on her face. I thought she would have more problems, maybe just stare off into space and be more like the other special children that I know. Anya is a miracle, a beautiful miracle. She laid her little head on my chest and cuddled up to me and almost made me cry. SHOCKING, right? :) I love that little girl.
I did enjoy the girlfest weekend. :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tonight was the beginning of the special on Discovery of the universe hosted by Stephen Hawking. OH I have been looking forward to this for weeks, I read A Brief History of Time and LOVED it. I still think I would make a great astronaut/theoretical physicist. So if we could travel 99.9% the speed of light, back towards the direction of the big bang, technically we should be able to pass over and not see the "old" light from the big bang and stars and such and begin to see what is new, which would be nothing but empty space due to the universe expanding? So I am traveling in my gigantic spaceship towards the light from a star, eventually I would not see that light anymore as I got close to traveling the speed of light and eventually just see the very fragments left from the bang and then nothing because of expansion. Hmmmm. Really wish I could just call up Mr. hawking and ask him, I'll be up for days thinking about this one. (Yes, I know I am HUGE nerd, comparable to Sherman on Big Bang Theory when I show this side of me.)
Monkey Love
We were driving the other day and talking about our neighbor that moved, our fireman neighbor. I asked the boys if they were sad and Brady replied, no because he is not our famlily. I asked if he would be sad if Joleah, our little girl neighbor, moved. He replied, "yes because I love her. i don't want to kiss her, i just love her." So sweet.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Brady is wearing a button down shirt today, and as I went down the line buttoning he giggled, "that tickles" Pretty cute for such a fiesty little grumpy old troll.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Scent Marking
I am very thankful we humans do not use scent marking as a means of communication. I couldn't imagine have to rub my rear end on a tree or sniff around to receive messages. However, on the upside it might be much easier in a marriage if we used scent marking. The hubby could just come over and sniff me and know his chances in the bedroom, or if I am moody. On our tough days, which I know all marriages encounter, it might be easier to communicate via scent marking, but I still think I will pass. I really am not into sniffing another behind.
I understand that our bodies do emit a natural scent and it varies at different times, and most of us choose to mask it. I think this is a good option fer me. :)
I understand that our bodies do emit a natural scent and it varies at different times, and most of us choose to mask it. I think this is a good option fer me. :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Paging DR. Daddy
Oh why oh why couldn't Michael be a doctor, aside from the face that blood makes him woozy? Last night I was doing great, had the house clean, pork steaks grilled, potatoes mashed, even made bread on the grill so I wouldn't have to turn on the oven. This is Aidan's favorite meal, I just felt like making it for him because I was going to be away for the night playing BUNCO. I am in the kitchen cutting his pork steak into tiny bits, just the way he likes it when I hear a thump and a terrible scream. Aidan ran into the door knob while he and his brother were spinning in the living room. Yes, we have told them not to spin-especially with eyes closed, but they are not very good listeners. So I grab some ice and soothe him and dad arrives maybe 4 minutes later, and we try to eat. Aidan won't eat, he looks dazed at this point, won't talk but to say he wants to lay down. Alarm bells go off and we decide to take him to get checked out. We just pray and pray for Aidan. We struggle to keep him awake until he is seen. We get right in and are put into one of the rooms right in front of the Drs, which I know is not a good thing. So I take Brady out, and the nurse comes in and can't wake Aidan up, she looks in his eyes and does little tests and he appears fine but won't wake up. So she goes out and Michael overhears her tell the Dr. she needs to see him now. Brady and I are outside on the steps, just chatting and praying for brother. Aidan just wakes up and has to pee, and continues to be wide awake. The Dr. comes in and is like, I must have the wrong room because she had 2 people tell her the urgency of the situation in room 5. She orders a Cat scan, and I am nervous because Aidan had had many xrays before because of gerd and stomach and chest problems. So we as a family stand over him and pray for protection from the radiation and for it to come back normal. Results come back, he is fine. I hate and love experiences such as these.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sniff sniff
I was driving home from MOPS tonight and a smell caught my nose, Lake Taneycomo. It reminds me of when I lived at moms, I would sit out on the deck and watch nature pass me by. I would take hikes in the woods, sit at the boat launch or on the dock and just be quiet. I loved these little escapes, away fom the noise that comes with a family of 10. Nothing beats the quiet of nature to reconnect with yourself.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Today was Brady's big test and he failed. He has lots of allergies and the peanut is the worst. I watched, waited, prayed for that little bump no to form, but alas it did and became huge. It actually looked like a bird pooping in the air. Yes, gross but it humored Brady while he screamed and cried and complained about how much it itched. Poor little dude!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Put your hands up!
Aidan had informed us that he wants to be a policeman. Brady wants to be a burglar. I told him he can't arrest his brother and he told me he'd have to. Then he said he wouldn't shoot him if he puts his hands up in the air. Geez. He will really make a fine policeman. On the other hand I cannot allow Brady to become a burglar. He is so stubborn, he wouldn't put his hands up if he was asked.
Brady also told us he wants to be Mike. Mike is our fireman neighbor, the one who gave them little red hats, coloring books, tattoos, and a sticker badge. The one who let the kids see the fire truck in front of his home. Mike is a hero, not only fighting fires, but treating all the kids so nicely. Brady made me get him a $5 firefighter from Michael's craft store, it sleeps with him. I will encourage the fireman in Brady for now, until he realizes he is the next Brad Pitt.
Brady also told us he wants to be Mike. Mike is our fireman neighbor, the one who gave them little red hats, coloring books, tattoos, and a sticker badge. The one who let the kids see the fire truck in front of his home. Mike is a hero, not only fighting fires, but treating all the kids so nicely. Brady made me get him a $5 firefighter from Michael's craft store, it sleeps with him. I will encourage the fireman in Brady for now, until he realizes he is the next Brad Pitt.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Born with a name tag
HA! Aidan thinks it is hilarious that mom and dad picked his name. No Aidan you were not born with a name tag, Daddy choose your name and mommy choose Brady's. Silly BOY!
Also, Aidan asked if he could have his birthday in Heaven, which made my eyes huge and my head shake no immediately. I asked him why Heaven and he said so Jesus and God could come to his party. That will have to wait little dude. Then of course he asked about Heaven and when he dies. "So when I die will an angel come down and take my old soul to Heaven?" Yes Aidan, when your soul is very, very OLD!
Also, Aidan asked if he could have his birthday in Heaven, which made my eyes huge and my head shake no immediately. I asked him why Heaven and he said so Jesus and God could come to his party. That will have to wait little dude. Then of course he asked about Heaven and when he dies. "So when I die will an angel come down and take my old soul to Heaven?" Yes Aidan, when your soul is very, very OLD!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It is April Fools Day. This morning me and the boys plotted a prank against daddy which involved us screaming and looking scared because there was a mouse in the house. Now we have never had a mouse in our house, but the week before we had seen a mouse outside in the carpet we have been pulling out of our house so it became believable. Daddy run out of the bathroom, we were screaming a mouse pointing in the direction of the hall and he said "NO WAY!" He was freaked out too. But the boys so enjoyed saying April Fools! Ha! So much fun!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
One mans trash...
Yesterday we had to take a trip to the dump to haul off all the junk from our backyard. The boys saw daddy pulling away and made me stop him because they wanted to go to the dump too, to see how it works. I knew that the would love it and they did. They looked out the windows, taking it in. The giggled when daddy had to put on a green vest and hard hat. The watched as a big machine, which I'm not sure of the proper name, pushed all the trash off into a giant hole. On the way home Aidan found a peanut in the truck. I about freaked out, looked back there and daddy failed to notice a whole bag of opened peanuts in the back under Brady's seat. UGH! Aidan was so scared, he watched his brother like a hawk, wouldn't let him touch his face and at one point screamed, "Brady, DON"T!" His face was pure terror, he told us if Brady blew up I'd have nobody to play with. It was sweet to see him be such a protective big brother. We obviously stripped down and showered ASAP and everything was alright, just a close call.
Me pot of gold
On our way to the super center we saw a bright giant rainbow, which turned into a double rainbow. The kids were thrilled. Aidan immediately wanted to look for a pot of gold, seeing as he loves money so much. Michael and I were looking at the rainbow at the exact same time and saw a bald eagle on a high branch right in front of the rainbow. It was truly a beautiful treat on such an ugly afternoon.
I must admit, I have already been sleepy with the window in my bedroom open loving the cool breeze and listening to the rain and frogs. Yet another of life's little pleasures.
I must admit, I have already been sleepy with the window in my bedroom open loving the cool breeze and listening to the rain and frogs. Yet another of life's little pleasures.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I have been sick, but took a day off and decided to go see a movie with daddy and the boys. We don't make it often, it is expensive and the boys are restless. We went to the free movies the past Summer to practice, just the boys and me and it worked. We saw How to Train Your Dragon, which was wonderful, even though I was hesitant to go. I love that this movie emphasized that it doesn't matter if you are different or have a physical handicap, you can still be great and everyone has their own strengths and weakness. So adorable.
Rainy Spit
We bought the boys there very own umbrellas for the start of Spring and one is batman and the other is iron man...which they fight over constantly. Today the boys opened up in the house and since it was not raining, they decided to spit on each others umbrellas. Although I would never admit it to them, it was cute and very creative, even if it ended with me mopping the floor. Ah the genius of boys, and I am now convinced that it was a mom who said it was bad luck to open an umbrella in the house to get her kids to stop spitting all around the house.
Soul Sistas
We had a wonderful bible study, great group of ladies, great book. A mom after God's own heart really put things into perspective and reinforced the resposiblities and joys of being a mom. It was such a wonderful safe environment for all of us to open up and be encouraged by our fellow moms. I think it is time for a Soul Sistas reunion.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Frolic in the sunshine

It is AHHmazing today! The boys went outside for some vitamin D today. We spread out and stared up at the blue, blue sky. Aidan commented that up there is where God is, he has such a big kingdom. It made me think about how huge the universe is. I love astronomy, the stars, the sky, gamma rays, antiparticles, white dwarfs, supernovas...etc. Sorry I just showed how much of a nerd I really am. Anyways, to get back on track I was thinking about how huge the universe is and how tiny I am. It is kind of overwhelming. I was telling this to Aidan, whose eyes were glazed over at this point, and I was thinking all this was lost on him...but then he said, "Yay mom but God still cares about us, even if we are tiny."
Wow my child is AHHmazing.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
So thankful!
Tonight I read some sad news about a little boy that broke my heart. His name is Skyler Sanders and I have never met him but feel like I have know him for many years, from reading his updates and praying for him as much as I do my own children. His brain tumor is growing and aggressive and he has been given months to live. The pain his family is faced with everyday watching their precious sons battle must be unbearable. I ask for them peace.
We spent our day indoors today as it rained and rained. We rented The Princess and the Frog, yes I know I have boys but they loved it. When the little firefly died Aidan said, "That was not a happy ending." When the movie was over I asked Aidan what he thought of it he just held up his "it rocked" hand, and said rock and roll mom.
Then our little monkeys got sleepy and we put them to bed. Brady called for me and was upset he didn't get to say goodnight to me, which was not true as I carried my "little monkey baby" to bed like a baby and kissed him thoroughly. So I just lay down with him and snuggled, and his little face lit up. Brady was not always my snuggly bug. Now the little guy just snuggles so tight, it is so sweet. He even holds my hand with his tiny little "honeybear" paw. I swear I could eat that boy up, especially right after a bath.
We spent our day indoors today as it rained and rained. We rented The Princess and the Frog, yes I know I have boys but they loved it. When the little firefly died Aidan said, "That was not a happy ending." When the movie was over I asked Aidan what he thought of it he just held up his "it rocked" hand, and said rock and roll mom.
Then our little monkeys got sleepy and we put them to bed. Brady called for me and was upset he didn't get to say goodnight to me, which was not true as I carried my "little monkey baby" to bed like a baby and kissed him thoroughly. So I just lay down with him and snuggled, and his little face lit up. Brady was not always my snuggly bug. Now the little guy just snuggles so tight, it is so sweet. He even holds my hand with his tiny little "honeybear" paw. I swear I could eat that boy up, especially right after a bath.
Must lose some LBS!
Aye. So I was doing great, I got sick many times this winter and stayed below where I aimed for the winter months. But then I started to worry because I lost too much weight. I began eating happy meals and desserts and lots of carbs. Well here I am 2 months later and 8 pounds heavier. Oops! So depressing, I need a piece of cake. Seriously, I am working my butt off running, biking, kickboxing, and eating healthy. A new me will emerge just as the butterflies do. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
To school, or not to school...
It is kinda scary that I am responsible for teaching my child until he goes to school, but alas I have taken the challenge seriously. I have been working with our little man since he was 2. He is currently working on phonics and is beginning to read. It is such an accomplishment to hear him make the sounds and blend them together. He is really picking it up, what a proud mommy I am. There are a few kids in his class at preschool that can read, but Aidan is the baby of the class which is why we are going to keep him in preschool one more year. After serious debate and research it has been determined that it is best for boys with a summer birthday to start school at age 6, not 5. We are very comfortable with this decision and are ready to school him for another year at home. I am excited to spend one more year playing with my baby.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patricks Day
Rainbow cupcakes and four leaf clover jello jigglers...A helpful side note, Blue Mixed Berry Jello and Lemon Jello make Green Jello instead of Lime Jello, but it taste like Pine Sol. (The kids ate it anyway.)
I love any excuse to mix up a batch of cupcakes, so when I saw the Rainbow Cupcake in Family Fun I couldn't wait to try them. Unfortunately I lost my yellow food color, so we skipped out on the yellow and orange layers, but the kids didn't even notice.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Recently we have decided to start giving the kids allowances due to the increased "I want" theme at our house. We cannot step inside a mega store without hearing "Let's go to the toys" or "I want to buy it!" So for the past couple of months with helpful advice from the Love & Logic presentation at MOPS, we have been giving allowance and paying our kids to do random things around the house. Aidan has become quite the little saver. He loves money and wants to be Mr. Crabs because he doesn't have to work and has lots of money. Today he wanted a toy at target and I said he could have it but he would have to give me $7 from his piggy bank when we got home. He actually thought about it for awhile then finally decided to buy it. We got to the car and he said, "Mom, I don't want to give you $7." I said, "Well, I have the receipt, do you want me to take the toy back in?" He replied, "No. I'll pay you."
So we got home and brought me $7.
Later he made a mess in the bathroom with a blue Popsicle and left it. I told him he was going to have to pay me $2 to clean it up. He asked where the vinegar was and got the paper towels and cleaned it up himself. Wow! That was awesome.
Now he gets tickets, for doing naughty things much like a police officer would give. I write one up on these special post-its I got on sale at Michael's. He has to bring me his ticket and give me a quarter. Example of tickets that have been given: not buckling up, messing with his brother, not listening to mom or dad, talking back, picking his nose. I like how this is working out. It is nice to watch my kids take some responsibility on, even if cleaning their rooms isn't exactly how I would clean it.
So we got home and brought me $7.
Later he made a mess in the bathroom with a blue Popsicle and left it. I told him he was going to have to pay me $2 to clean it up. He asked where the vinegar was and got the paper towels and cleaned it up himself. Wow! That was awesome.
Now he gets tickets, for doing naughty things much like a police officer would give. I write one up on these special post-its I got on sale at Michael's. He has to bring me his ticket and give me a quarter. Example of tickets that have been given: not buckling up, messing with his brother, not listening to mom or dad, talking back, picking his nose. I like how this is working out. It is nice to watch my kids take some responsibility on, even if cleaning their rooms isn't exactly how I would clean it.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Brady's language
I love that Brady says hangerburg for hamburger, and mazzzagine for magazine. He calls Lowe's, Lowzark. He is stinkin cute. Yesterday he crawled into the coffee table and said look at me I'm a mazzzagine. I just laughed and laughed...he is after all our little entertainer. Big things await that little stick of dynamite...I am enjoying the ride.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A True Daddy
I am so blessed to have a husband that is so involved in our boys everyday life. I couldn't imagine what is must have been like to be in a different era where moms did everything and dads only contributed discipline. I love watching my boys smile at their daddy. I will always remember watching them play "Monster Daddy" outside and the hours he spends pushing them on the swings. I know that one day they will be great fathers because of the love that their own daddy has shown them. I know that Michael must get his great fathering abilities from his Grandpa and his step dad Jim, who like Michael were/are the great kind of fathers that know no limits. There are no designated roles in our home, no this is a woman's job. I mow the lawn sometimes and he does the laundry all the time. I cook dinner, he gives the boys a bath. Thanks goodness for such a wonderful man.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Love Day
My boys are going to be so romantic when they are older. They both like to make "special" days, flowers on the table, using our fancy plates, wearing their super fancy pants. I like to take some credit for this, I really try to make holidays extra special for them, even if it is time consuming. I always encourage/let them help, for example helping me make place cards. Aidan comes up with his own special decorating, which usually includes twinkle lights. Brady really cares about making sure everything is all lined up, he is a man about details.
Our Valentine's Day will be spent together, as a family. I really couldn't imagine spending it without them, without hugs and little kisses and big smiles. I am going to go "kiss a rainbow" on my boys cheeks. (A special thanks to daddy for giving me such wonderful little boys.)
Our Valentine's Day will be spent together, as a family. I really couldn't imagine spending it without them, without hugs and little kisses and big smiles. I am going to go "kiss a rainbow" on my boys cheeks. (A special thanks to daddy for giving me such wonderful little boys.)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I have really enjoyed bird watching this winter. I always enjoy it but this winter has been so dreadful that watching the birds hop around has become a morning ritual. If you have never tried it I would suggest you do, it is so peaceful. I worry about so much everyday, and these birds wake up with no home and no food and they are provided for, and I know I will be too.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
We moms all have our special "tricks" to get our kids to do what we need/want them to do. For me if I need a quiet moment I sometimes turn the vacuum on and let it run just because I know the kids are still afraid of it and will retreat to their bedrooms. If I need to distract the kids I ask then to check the window to see if daddy is home because I thought I heard his car, etc...
I was trying to get Aidan to do something today and was trying to use one of my distractions and he told me, "Mom, I know all your tricks." I stopped dead in my tracks and just about busted up laughing. Well I guess it is time to come up with some new tricks.
I was trying to get Aidan to do something today and was trying to use one of my distractions and he told me, "Mom, I know all your tricks." I stopped dead in my tracks and just about busted up laughing. Well I guess it is time to come up with some new tricks.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Toy Story 3

I saw a preview of the upcoming Toy Story 3, which I am so excited to watch. (With the boys of course.) I was actually kind of sad. Seeing Andy all grown and going to college made me weepy. I know, I know I am always weepy, but it really is sad. Michael & I were talking the other night about how our precious newborn baby is turning 5 this June. 5!!! I know where the years went, but I still wish I could just go back and hear his sweet little voice singing me Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Those big squishy cheeks and round perfect.
Oh Andy, college already...his mom must be devastated.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
HGTV & me
My new guilty pleasure is House Hunters International on hgtv. What is more fun than watching familes go overseas and try to find a big place in a foreign country. In Tokyo my Itty Bitty house would be a palace. (and I'd be a giant)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hubby of the Year
I love my hubby. 2 loads of laundry, dishes, kids fed, floor swept, soup on the stove...all for me with my crippled body. Thanks God for the best hubby. He really made me a special man.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year
This year is going to be great. I am glad to leave behind the "Year of Sickness" and look forward to a year of great health. I got to celebrate with my 3 favorite men, skipped out on the family thing this year due to constant sickness. On the upside all the sickness has made not gaining weight thru the holidays so much easier.
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