I believe today is our 3rd anniversary, but my mind is clouded with diapers and bottles and spit up...oh my. When I first met Michael I was in the 4th grade, we were in class together, although he doesn't remember me at all. We were on the playground in line to play four square and he was in front of me and I remember quite distinctly his black hair and big rimmed glasses. He was such a dork, but I have always been into the dorky type. Every guy I have ever dated has been quite dorky. Anyway, he re-caught my eye in the 7th grade after he and a girl on the bus "broke up" and I told her I was going to date him. She was kinda mad, but I didn't care.
By this time he had added braces to his teeth and upped his dorky factor by 25%, which made me think he was even more cute. He may have been dorky, but he was quite the player and had many girlfriends, cute ones. I finally did catch his eye, well probably my overdeveloped parts, but he finally started calling me on the phone and asking me out to the skating rink and movies. We had our first kiss at Skate World right before I left. I have not been parted from those lips for more than three months at a time since that first kiss. We have dated other people, but we have always had each other and have been great friends. I know him and have grown with him and have hated him and loved him...
We attended almost every dance together, even one in college. He walked me down the football field for homecoming, we clapped for each other at graduation, and I have stood by him through two funerals. I can tell him every thought I am thinking, although most of the time I don't even have to. I am so blessed to have my best friend as my husband. Love you hubby.